Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

Our Governors


Mrs I Davidson- Local Authority / Chair of Governors

Mr J Eaves – Foundation PCC - Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs A Gilmore - Foundation Diocesan

Mrs G Hill - Foundation PCC

Mrs J Hodgkiss - Foundation PCC

Mrs R Holland - Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs L Howarth – Foundation PCC 

Ms L Kirkham – Staff / Headteacher 

Mrs J Morton - Parent - Vice Chair of Governors

Reverend J Pitman - Ex Officio

Mrs G Rennie - Foundation PCC

Mrs C Romero – Staff / Deputy Headteacher

Mr W Tann - Foundation PCC

An explanation of the role of the governors and why schools have them can be found by clicking the Wikipedia link below.

School Governors  

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