Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

Headteacher Welcome

On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors at Milnrow Parish CE Primary I am pleased to welcome you to our school website and hope that it offers you a chance to develop some understanding of our school. We are constantly updating our website so keep checking for more information!

At Milnrow Parish we aim to create and foster a love of lifelong learning within a safe, stimulating and happy environment in which every person matters. We believe that your child deserves the best and we aim to provide excellence in terms of the learning opportunities provided for them within school. Our staff are highly trained and committed to working with your child to achieve the highest possible standards.

We believe that our children learn best when the school works in partnership with parents, carers and governors. If you have a concern or worry about your child then please contact school as soon as possible so that we can help.

It is our vision that the children who leave Milnrow Parish CE Primary School are happy, successful, articulate, aspirational and empathetic young people, eager for the next stage of learning and ready to make a valued contribution to society.

I am proud to be the Headteacher at Milnrow Parish CE Primary and know that together with the dedication of  staff and the support of parents and governors we will lead the school towards success.

Ms Lindsey Kirkham

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