Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

21.3.25, Comic Relief 2025 - Today, we dressed up in brightly coloured clothes for Comic Relief Day. We also wore odd socks too for World Down Syndrome Day.

21.3.25  - Well done to this weeks Team Leaders, who have worked hard to gain the most team points.

14.3.25 - Well done to this weeks Team Leaders, who have worked hard to gain the most team points.

Year 5 had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day. During the day, we did lots of activities including writing a mini biography about our favourite person </div>
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7.3.25 - Well done to this weeks Team Leaders, who worked hard to gain the most team points this week.

28.2.25 - Well done to this weeks Team Leaders, who worked hard to gain the most team points this week.

14.2.25 - Well done to this weeks Team Leaders, who worked hard to gain the most team points this week.

10.2.25 - Learn with your child RE.  Thank you so much to all our parents, who joined their child in an RE lesson today.  

7.2.25 - Well done to this weeks Team Leaders, who worked hard to gain the most team points this week.

31.1.25 - Well done to this weeks Team Leaders, who worked hard to gain the most team points this week.

7.1.25 - Today it snowed so we sneaked out to experience the snowflakes falling all around us.

5.12.24 This morning, Year 5 visited the Central Mosque in Rochdale as part of their RE topic 'What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today'. The children were impeccably behaved and asked some very important questions relating to our topic.

4.12.24 - A huge well done to the children in Year 5 , who have worked so hard to earn their Pen Licence. Well done  

15.11.24 - Today, we have come in our Pudsey clothes to help raise money for Children in Need

16.10.24 - Year 5 had Learn with your Child Reading today. Thank you to all parents and grandparents who came. We really appreciate your support and hope you enjoyed our session.

15/10/24 - Well Done to Year 5 on a fantastic assembly this morning.  Here is our song - Sing, which they sang beautifully.


Year 5 enjoying their Team Milnrow time with bubbles on the All Weather pitch.

Year 5 Poetry - The Jabberwoky

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