Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

Parental Information

This section of the website contains quick access to specific information.

 Click here for Newsletters

Click here for Term Dates

Click here for School Dinners


Contact Information

Milnrow Parish CE Primary School

St James Street



OL16 3JT


School Hours

School Starts - 8.45am

Lunchtime - 12.15pm - 1.10pm

School Finishes - 3.15pm - This equates to 32.5 hours per week


Phone Number  - 01706 643973

School General Enquiries: Mrs C Clark, Mrs J Robinson

Specific Enquiries - Headteacher - Ms L Kirkham

Safeguarding - Headteacher - Ms L Kirkham

Children's Welfare Officer - Mrs Harrison

School SENCo - Mrs C Romero


School Chair of Governors

Mrs I Davidson

Contact - 01706 643973


For general enquiries, contact the school office on 01706 643973

Email -


Reporting Absences

For absences you can report your child absent by either:

On the Parentmail App

or by Telephone 01706 643973 and leave a message (24 hour line) 


Contacting your Class Teacher

In order to enable teachers to prepare for class and to ensure their wellbeing we ask that you speak to them at the end of the school day if you need to. 

If you are unable to speak to your child's class teacher at the end of the day, then please contact school using the following emails:


Year 6 Mrs Myers:

Year 5 Mrs Baker:

Year 4 Miss Lloyd:

Year 3 Miss Hayes:

Year 2 Mr Watson:

Year 1 Mrs Evans: 

Reception Miss Davis:


For SEND enquires please contact Mrs Romero on:


Please be aware that our staff may be teaching and they will respond to you at their earliest convenience.  Emails will only be replied to on a school day between the hours of 8.30 - 5.30pm. 

If your message is urgent then please ring the school office.


School Dinners - £2.71 per day and can be ordered on



Milnrow STARs (Before and After School Club) Hours

Click here for full terms and conditions for Milnrow STARs

Breakfast Club - 7.30am - 8.45am


Afterschool Club - 3.15pm - 5.30pm

Milnrow STARs contact number - 07342937198 




The procedure for obtaining a child place at the school can be found by clicking on this link Admission Arrangements

Click here to view the Admissions Appeals Timetable



Please click the following link to access the Parent View Questionnaire

Parent View Questionnaire



Please click here to access our policies page for our Complaints Policy and Procedures



If you require any forms printing that are on our website please call into the school and we will print them for you free of charge.


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