Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

Parental Engagement

LPPA (Leading Parent Partnership Award)

We have been successful in achieving the Leading Parent partnership Award (October 2019) This award recognises our commitment to involving parents and carers in their child’s learning and journey throughout the school. At Milnrow Parish CE Primary we appreciate and value the impact of all our parents and carers and aim to engage them in their child’s educational journey from the start. We believe that communication is key and the LPPA journey has ensured that we focus on this in order to further engage parents. We will continue to embed our work with parents and carers throughout school, providing everyone with high quality support and information so that all pupils will develop a love of learning and are able to achieve above and beyond their potential.

Click here to read the report!

Share the Knowledge & Learn with your child


We all continuously strive to involve parents and stakeholders in what our children are doing and endeavour to give you tools to help with your child's learning.  Come and join us in a variety of sessions to see what we do in school.

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