Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

Pupil Welfare

Please report any Safeguarding concerns to the Head Teacher and Welfare Officer by emailing

You can also report any concerns directly to the Rochdale team by visiting -

Mental Health and Support

Children’s Mental Health are looking at what services support children and families in the local borough. 


Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale early attachment service


This service brings together a range of professionals from Healthy Young Minds, Home-Start, maternity, Thinking Ahead, and adult mental health.

We promote the importance of parent and infant mental health and the first relationship an infant has with their parent or carer.

We work with you during pregnancy, and with you and your babies and young children up until their second birthday.


Home-Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging times. We are there for parents when they need us the most because childhood can’t wait.


Thinking Ahead is a service for adults to support mental health, such as anxiety and depression.


Sir Anthony Seldon , the education secretary,  supports the need for more attention in regards to mental health in schools. He has discussed how children will relate to dogs in a different way to humans when they are feeling sad, anxious or have experienced trauma. Having a dog in school helps to reduce stress, build emotional understanding and helps children to express their feelings in a way that may not be achieved with adults alone.




Ralphie - Our School Wellbeing Dog

Having Ralphie in school will help both children and staff to feel connected, become more active, develop learning and enjoy time with their peers.  These are the 5 ways to wellbeing that we hope will build a school that fully supports the mental health of our school community.


Ralphie is a wonderful addition to our team!


For more information click on the text or images below:

Operation Encompass

Mental Health & Wellbeing

School Health



 Do you need support with food in the Rochdale Borough?

Please click here to find an abundance of information about how you can get support with food for you and your family

Food organisation and information support list!




 There are local suppliers in Rochdale who stock our school uniform.  These are Ziggys, Monkhouse and Moses to name some - the local supermarkets also stock school items which can be really good value.  A copy of our school uniform policy is available- just click on Home and then scroll down to Statutory Info and click on this then click on School Policies.

There are places in the local area where you are able to purchase pre-loved items such as school uniform, furniture and white goods. 

 Village Treasures in Milnrow usually have our uniform along with other items you may need.

‘Reuse Rochdale’ on Yorkshire Street (the old Marks and Spencer) is a community hub which sells good quality second hand items from clothing to larger items such as fridge freezers, washing machines etc and furniture.

Smallbridge Church, Rhodes Street, Smallbridge, Rochdale, OL129RW - Foodbank and School Uniform - open  Saturday from 10:30am - 12 O Clock  




Useful Website Information


Children often use YouTube to access videos, games, information and advice.
However, this can allow inappropriate content to filter through, even though your child has looked for something age appropriate.
It is really important that parents are aware of what their children are accessing online as it can lead to them being put at risk.

Below is a short video that explains how to keep your child safe on YouTube.

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