Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

Year 2's Class Work

In Year 2, we have been extremely lucky this week as the watercolour artist, Hugh Templeton, has been to visit! Hugh has completed workshops with each class and we have created some beautiful artwork! </div>
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Learn with your Child - Maths Focus

Today in Art, Year 2 have been learning to weave!

PE - Autumn Term Fundamental Skills

PE - Autumn Term Gymnastics

Autumn Term - Design and Technology

Making a Healthy Wrap

In this topic, we have learnt that ‘diet’ means the food and drink that a person or animal usually eats. We now know where to find nutritional information for food and that all living things need to make energy, grow and develop. We have discovered that that we should only have a maximum of five teaspoons of sugar a day to stay healthy and that many food and drinks we do not expect to contain sugar do; we call these ‘hidden sugars. Here are some pictures of us making our wraps. We learned how to cut salad safely using a bridge/claw grip technique and how to construct a wrap using the design brief. Finally, we described the taste, texture and smell of fruit and vegetables and evaluated which grip was most effective.

English - Year 2 have enjoyed predicting the words in the poem Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear. Parts of the poem were blanked and the children had to write what words they thought the author may have used. We will be studying this poem over the next 2 weeks.

Today Year 2 have enjoyed creating their own pledges for this year in order to create the perfect classroom. We then joined these to make a paper chain of classroom pledges!

Year 2 have really enjoyed Forest School this afternoon and using their imaginations to build and create houses and dens.

Science - This half term we are studying different scientists and their experiments. In this lesson, we have been studying Isaac Newton and his discovery of gravity. We made spinners and dropped them from a height to compare the affect of weight on the speed in which each spinner fell.

RE - Diwali Workshop

We has so much fun taking part in a dance workshop based around the Diwali story and Ramayana.

This half term our Geography topic is 'Our Planet'. We had a look at the seven continents and coloured them in on a map. Also, we located them in at Atlas and compared their size, population and how close they are to the equator. 

Invasion Games

This half term in P.E we are practicing our fundamental skills through the use of invasion games.

Yesterday, each class enjoyed karate concentrations sessions. We focussed on life skills that the Sensei would expect us to show in school: RESPECT, DISCIPLINE and FOCUS. We also looked at how we can create a positive mind set, develop self-discipline and use common sense before self defence.

Hugh Templeton - Watercolour Artist Visit! 

This week we have been extremely lucky as Hugh Templeton has visited our class and led watercolour workshops with us! We have gained new artistic skills and some of our work can be found on his website!

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