Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

Welcome to Class 4


13.2.23 - Well done on this superstar for gaining a pen licence!

This morning 10.2.23, Year 4 used counters to support their understanding of Area (the amount taken up by a 2D shape). They soon realised that to be able to compare the area of two shapes, they needed to use the same size counters.

This morning 3.2.23, Year 4 have been using resources in maths to support their understanding of dividing with remainders. This has encouraged active learning and the development of different skills.

5.1.23, This morning Year 4 have enjoyed understanding the purpose of a playscript through drama.

This afternoon in Art, we have created an image using an artistic process called lenticular printing, which gives an optical illusion.  It required using a lot of skills like measuring, marking and cutting on the lines, accurately and sticking the strips of the pictures in the right order.  We are really happy with our finished product.  

This afternoon, in Art, Year 4 have explored the work of Paula Rego. After discussing the famous artists picture 'The Dance', the children worked in groups to create their own story about what they thought 'The Dance' is about.

Today in RHE, Year 4 discussed how we express feelings in different ways. Can you tell how we are feeling?

4.10.22, this afternoon, in Geography Year 4 have been using Google Maps to identify settlements and reasons for their original siting.

26.9.22  - This afternoon, in RHE, we looked at what a healthy positive relationship looked like.  We described some of the qualities that we admired in each other.

21.9.22 - Today, in music, we used different instruments to read and play music.

16.9.22  Year 4 performing 'The Listeners' by Walter de la Mare

This morning (15.9.22), we have been using Base 10 equipment in maths to represent 4 digit numbers in different ways.

This afternoon (14.9.22), in computing, Year 4 started this terms topic 'Online Safety' . We looked at how we can protect ourselves from online identity theft and now understand that information we put online leaves a digital footprint or trail and that this can aid identity theft. We used the SMART rules to help us understand how to stay safe online.

Monday 12th September 2022, today we explored the poem 'The Listeners' further.  We discussed the poem in more depth and then looked at statements to decide whether they were true or false.

Thursday 8th September 2022, today we voted for our school council representatives.   

WC 5th September 2022, this week we enjoyed our challenge in maths of cutting a donut into 8 equal parts using only 3 slices.

Monday 5th September 2022

This morning Year 4 have had fun identifying square numbers...

Welcome to Class 4


This morning in guided reading, we used the thesaurus to help us find synonyms to words we had read in our text.

This afternoon, Year 4 have been reusing water bottles to make birdfeeders as part of their Recycle, Reduce and Ruse topic in Geography.

This afternoon, 6.5.22, we used Bibles in RE to further explore how Peter betrayed Jesus and discussed his feelings and why he did what he did on Maundy Thursday.  

This afternoon, 5.4.22, we got to hold the chicks...

Art - Friday 1st April 2022 - In art, we have been learning about the role of a curator and seeing the links between careers/employment and creative/cultural industries. This afternoon, we have taken on the role of a curator and created their very own exhibitions.

This morning (7.3.22) in maths, we have been using counters to find the area of shapes. 

In DT today, we made our own torches.  First, we created a complete circuit with a switch and then used a plastic bottle as the case and then made the torches we had designed last week.  

Today, 15.2.22, we took part in a Shakespeare Workshop.  We used different scenes in the play Macbeth to get into character.  Can you guess the scene?

Today in our maths lesson, 11.2.22, we used Base Ten equipment to help us divide 2 digit numbers and find remainders.

This afternoon  8.2.22, in Science, we tested different materials to find out whether they were conductors or insulators.

This afternoon, 25.1.22, in our art lesson we have been making soap sculptures.  It was certainly fun...

Today in Art, 4.11.21, we created our own lenticular images.  We have had such fun creating these optical effects.

12.10.21,this afternoon in Science we looked at how sounds travel...

WC 11.10.21 - In Geography this week we have been locating places using a 6 figure grid reference.  Although we found it challenging, we really enjoyed it.

WC 27.9.21. In RHE this week we have taken part in a team building activity.  We had to work together to create a human machine.  This involved using many skills, here are some of the skills we used: communication, working together, decision making, listening, compromising, showing respect and accepting.

This afternoon, 29.9.21, Year 4 have been creating patterns using printing techniques in their Art lesson.

8.7.21 DT

This afternoon, Year 4 have been been exploring different framed structures in their DT lesson. The children created larger structures from the materials, considering aesthetics, strength and stability. The children were then able to improve their structures strength and stability through learning from their mistakes.

Friday 11th November 2020 


 Today, we sang Spanish songs about animals

Friday 6th November 2020       PE

Today, we took part in circuit training.  We had a different exercise to complete at each post.  We did star jumps, mountain climbing, hopping on one leg, hopping side to side and squats. 


Today, 7.10.20, in music, we practised different Ostinatos, which are a short pattern of notes repeated multiple times.  We have looked at rhythmic ostinatos and melodic ostinatos.  

Geography - Today, 6.10.20, we really enjoyed playing bingo using map symbols.

2019 - 2020

Spring 2020

This half term in geography we have been exploring the various time zones of North America and seeing how they compare to other time zones around the world.

Class Assembly

This half term we shared what we had learned about the Romans, Anglo Saxons and Vikings, with the whole school.  

Autumn 2019 -2020

Remembrance Day 11.11.19

Today, we researched the life of Herbert Stanley-Wild, a soldier who died at the aged of 25 in the First World War.  We visited St James' Church to find his memorial stone.

Autumn 2019 - 2020

In history, we used the iPads to research the Anglo Saxons and Scots to help us create a timeline.   


Autumn 1

In the first Autumn term Year 4 have been learning all about the Anglo - Saxons and the Scots. We enjoyed taking part in a lot of different lessons where we researched and explored the real lives of the Anglo-Saxons. Our lessons taught us all about the invasion, and also what happened to the British people during this time. We Created different models during D&T lessons that we had the chance to present during on of out theme lessons. We shared all of our learning about the Anglo-Saxons and the Scots in a Class Assembly, we did such a good job and even made some people laugh.

Summer 2

Georgia O'Keefe

This half term we learnt all about Georgia O'Keefe. We learnt how to use pastel colours and how to blend colours. We even had a special visit from Hugh Templeton where he taught us how to create a simple but effective piece of art- a Volcano!

Summer 1

The Rockies

We learnt all about The Rockies. We identified the human and physical features of USA. We discussed the differences between USA and England. 

Spring 2

Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle

This half term we learnt all about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxon struggle. We went on a trip to Tatton park for a Anglo-Saxon day. We used shields, learnt how they made weapons and food. It was a very exciting day.

Spring 1


This half term we used atlases to look at different mountain ranges across the world. We research mountain ranges and learnt all about the features of a mountain. We then learnt about the OS map symbols used on maps, in particular ones associated with mountains. Then to end the half term we made our own mountain out of clay. This was fun!

Autumn 2


Light Up Christmas Card

For our DT project we designed, created and evaluated a light up Christmas card. We all worked extremely hard to create a circuit. We did come across a few problems along the way...but this just made for a great evaluation. We originally wanted to use copper tape in our circuit to create a button but unfortunately this did not work so we changed our originally design to include wires. This worked perfectly. We had a lot of fun!

Piet Mondrian

Our final pieces...

This half term we have been learning all about who Piet Mondrian was, and his style of painting. We learnt all about abstract art. We looked at Piet Mondrian's collages and designed one ourself from a country of our choice.

Autumn 1

Anglo Saxons and The Scots

We learnt all about different weapons which the Saxons used for work and battle. We did some research into Sutton Hoo, a very famous helmet which was found. After designing our Saxon helmets, we began to create these using different materials. 

Then we painted our helmets- which was a lot of fun!

We did these ready for our class assembly. 

We inked out theme in computing, we decided we wanted to research the Anglo-Saxons and show everything we have learnt. We learnt all about Wiki pages and how we edit them, then save them as web pages. We also learnt how to link multiple pages. We used word to draft our Wiki page.


Autumn 2- States of Matter


To conclude our states of matter topic we wanted to research melting points. To do this we all had 1 piece of chocolate. We used waters with different temperature and timed how long it took for the chocolate to melt. First we planned the experiment. After carrying out the experiment we recorded the results in a graph. 

We decided to investigate whether gas weighs. We made a prediction first, then we each had 4 different fizzy drinks. We measured the drink straight away and then we left them all out for 24 hours. Then we measured it again. Every table had the same 4 drinks. We kept our investigation fair by using the same scales each day and by keeping the amount of liquid the same in each cup. We discovered that gas does weigh. Out of our fizzy drinks, we found out that 7UP had the most gas in at the start. 


We have been using microscopes and magnifying glasses. We looked at different samples and discussed how our observations changed from looking just with our eye, to a magnifying glass to a microscope. We really enjoyed using the microscopes and making observations in detail. 

Autumn 1- Sound

This half term we have learnt all about how sound travels. We also looked at pitch and volume. We carried out an experiment to decide which material would be the best to use for sound proofing. We made sure it was a fair test by using the same drum as the sound source, which was hit by the same person each time. We found out that cotton wool is the best material for soundproofing.



We made a Christingle as part of Advent. We talked about the different parts and why each part was significant.

To start our friendship topic we talked all about our friends, Jesus' friends and how Jesus is a role model for how we should treat others. We talked about the different qualities friends should have. We then made friendship bracelets (each colour represented a quality we considered important in friendship). 

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