Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

20.1.25 Today, Year 5 used their problem solving skills to construct 3D artworks. We adapted everyday objects and make them interesting for the viewer  

6.12.24 - Today, we were awarded a pen licence.  This term we have worked hard on our letter formation and handwriting.

26.11.24 - This afternoon in Science, we have been testing different materials to see if they are good conductors or insulators.

7.11.24 - This morning, Year 5 had fun finding factors of numbers</div>
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24.10.24 - Today, we have been creating and using strings in programming.  We were able to set the variable values appropriately and found some ways that text variables can be used in coding.

This afternoon 16.10.24, Year 5 have been listening to rhythms in our music lesson and then using the musical notes we know to write them down. Well done Year 5.

This morning, Year 5 having been using place value counters and grids in maths, then moved onto place value grids before moving onto column addition in their books.

8.10.24 - Year 5 worked hard and displayed some great moves in PE today

25.9.24 - Today, in music, we practised our song for the Harvest Celebration and recapped reading music notes.

19.9.24 - Computing

This afternoon, In our computing lesson, Year 5 used simplified code to make their programming more efficient; used variables in their code and are now ready to create a simple playable game.


Playleader Training 

This half term, Years 5 & 6 have been taking part in Play Leader training which is a tailored programme aimed at our children become great leaders. The children take part in 6 hours of training where they are coached on how to lead, motivate, encourage and organise activities. Once their training ends, ten children from each year group will be selected to become a Playground Pal; a role, which will utilise their training across the year. Michelle (our PE teacher) has worked closely with both year groups in order to model, teach and assess their learning. In turn, our children have all become confident managers who understand the characteristics of a great Play Leader.

Computing - Online Safety



Science - Earth & Space




Science Earth & Space September 2020 

This week, Year 5 have been looking at the order of the planets in their distance from the sun. They worked in partners to order and create their own mini Solar Systems. 

Spring 2020 

Autumn 2019 










This half term we will be studying the artist Cezanne and his still life paintings. Our DT topic will be to design a Christmas decoration with pulleys.


Using pastels, we have researched and replicated the style of French artist - Paul Cezanne.


Our theme during Autumn 1 was the Industrial Revolution and the life of a Victorian child. We loved this topic and developed our learning through theme lessons, English (a diary of a Victorian street Child and a character description), identifying Victorian features and buildings during our village walk, our homework and a sensational class assembly.


Using an atlas we have found a selection of rivers and identified them on a world map.


Today in Science we began our new topic of 'Changing Materials' and we investigated with oil, sugar, coffee, baking powder, salt and sand to see if they would dissolve, fizz, float or sink in water.  

We love doing 'hands on' experiments.



Out theme up until Christmas is "Can I be a French Masterchef?"

Today, Libbie and Abbie brought in a selection of French breads for us to try.  We enjoyed croissants, chocolate brioche, vanilla brioche and French raisin bread.

We think we will enjoy our theme this half term!!

Thank you Abbie and Libbie


As part of our Design and Technology lessons we have researched, designed and made our own moving vehicle. We loved doing this and our models are amazing!!


Year 5 enjoyed a walk around sunny Milnrow looking at Victorian buildings and features of Victorian architecture. 

Using computers to research life and education of a Victorian school child.



Year 5 Assembly

Well Done Year 5 a fantastic assembly - we compared Victorian school life with life in school today and emphasised the importance of British Values in our education system.

This half term we have been studying the Industrial Revolution and the role of the Victorians.

Jim Jarvis, the orphaned character in our chosen book, Street Child by Berlie Doherty has been our main influence in discovering and experiencing the life of a Victorian child.

Using old Milnrow Parish School log books and the Internet, we have researched the lessons and punishments a Victorian school child may experience.  We have used our findings in a role play activity. 

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