Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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St James Street, Milnrow, Rochdale, OL16 3JT

01706 643973

Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

Year 6 2024-2025


DT- Steady Hand Game

Science- Clay Fossils

Science- Electricity Investigation- Which fruit is the best and worst conductor?

Art- Mayan Mark Making

English-Performance Poetry

Head Representative Speeches

Paired Friends

Team Milnrow Time- Wizards vs. Knights

DT- Steady Hand Game

Paired Reception with Reception

Science- Fossils

Head Representatives Speeches


Science- Electricity

DT- Come Dine With Me

Art- Making Hats

Imagination Station

Science- Electricity

Art- Monet's Japanese Footbridge

English- The Highwayman Poem

DT- Come Dine With Me- Making a Three Course Meal

RHE-Crossing The Line Workshop

Art- Make My Voice Heard- Graffiti Art

Science- Evolution and Inheritance- Clay Fossils

Science- Electricity- Making Circuits

Art- Monet- Mixing Colours

Geography- Water Wheels

This term, we are learning about renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. We are learning about the advantages and disadvantages of both, and discussing how we can help towards saving energy. This week, we have learnt about water wheels. Children have planned, collected equipment and made their own water wheels in groups. 


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