Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

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Milnrow Parish Church Of England Primary School

Creative Writing Weeks

A Mysterious Creature

A mysterious creature passed through our school playground leaving prints, an enormous nest, seven eggs and a trail of destruction!

The children have had to investigate the incident over the week!

The Imagination Station

The imagination station was used to engage all children with their writing. Everyone went to different places including Blackpool, Africa, Verona, Narnia, a football stadium and even into a painting!


Image result for once upon a time fairy tale


It seems that some magic dust has been waved over Milnrow Parish today as mysterious objects from different fairy tales have appeared in the hall. There was quite a confusion when the adults arrived as not one of them could see these 'magical' souvenirs for themselves. It was discovered that only children, who believe in magic could see this wonder and that adults needed 'Fairy Filters' to see it for themselves. We have used this as out whole school stimulus to create enchanted pieces of writing from all genres! 

The Door 

Mysteriously, a door has appeared in the playground today. Nobody appears to know where it has come from, how it arrived, and where it leads to? The children will be discussing this all week through English and P4C lessons to create some more fantastic writing! 



Today, Ms Kirkham made the regrettable decision to sell our beloved All Weather Pitch to raise more money for school. The children were outraged by this decision and have taken a stand to ensure that this doesn't happen. Ms Kirkham has kindly offered that if the children can convince her not to sell, she won't.

 It is in the hands of our pupils now - Will they do it?! This should make for some very passionate and exciting writing! 

Alien Invasion



Today, a mysterious object has crash landed into our school playground. After the children were evacuated onto the yard by First lieutenant Hughes, they were greeted with Mr D Niall who was taking samples and collecting evidence. The children will investigate, discuss and write about this event all week. 

Is there anybody out there?! 

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